Concrete Experts International

Concrete Experts International is a consulting company, specializing in the fields of concrete technology, microanalysis of cement based materials, product optimization, development and characterization. Please note that all our described services are presently provided by the Danish Technological Institute >

What We Do

Develop and sell the RapidAir 457

Advice about deterioration mechanisms

Provide concrete services


Concrete Experts International (CXI)

Concrete Experts International is founded September 2000 and is fully owned by two internationally recognized former colleagues of G.M. Idorn Consult. The head quarter of CXI is located in Vedbæk, Denmark.

The partners of Concrete Experts International are:

Dr. Ulla Hjorth Jakobsen, Director CEO
Structural Analysis & Materials Characterization
Direct tel +45 2835 0660
e-mail uhj@concrete-experts.com >

Mr. Claus Pade, Technical Director
Materials Chemistry & Product Optimization
Direct tel +45 2835 0661
e-mail cp@concrete-experts.com >


Both owners of CXI presently possesses positions at the Danish Technological Institute; Claus Pade a 100% possession, Ulla Hjorth Jakobsen an 80% possession.

With a strong foundation in chemistry, thermodynamics, physics, mathematics, geology, engineering, computer science and a good portion of innovation and common sense, the professionals of Concrete Experts International offer individual services to companies involved in material supply, production and use of concrete, materials development, repair and litigation on a world-wide basis.

Based on years of work in the field of materials characterization CXI offers training courses and supervision in petrography of concrete and related materials.

Dr. Ulla Hjorth Jakobsen, Director CEO

Ph.D., Geology
Structural Analysis & Materials Characterization


Ulla Hjorth Jakobsen is responsible of materials characterization and micro-structural analyses of concrete at DTI. Has worked with concrete technology since 1991 and has analyzed more than 10,000 thin sections representing all types of concrete distresses including alkali silica reaction (ASR), delayed ettringite formation (DEF), external and internal sulphate attack, acid attack, freeze-thaw action, carbonation, leaching etc. She has written or been author/co-author on more than 30 papers dealing with concrete distress and micro-analyses of concrete and is world renowned for her experience in fluorescence microscopy.

With a background in natural science and geology from the University of Copenhagen and Penn State University, Dr. Ulla Hjorth Jakobsen has more than 30 years of experience in the field of geology, concrete petrography and material sciences and technology. She is highly skilled in microscopic analysis (optical polarizing and scanning electron microscopy) of rocks, ore, concrete, mortar, grout, clinker and related materials using optical fluorescence microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy, and in the interpretation of textures of materials.

Ulla is regularly teaching concrete microscopy courses and courses in air void analysis using the RapidAir system to clients from around world (e.g. United States, Canada, Singapore, Kuwait and most of Europe) which has contributed to her large global network of contacts.

Specific competences:

  • Optical polarizing microscopy of cement-based materials including analysis of plane sections and fluorescence impregnated thin sections.
  • Scanning electron microscopy of cement-based materials.
  • Petrographic analysis of raw materials (aggregate, cement, mineral additions).
  • Air void analysis of harden concrete.
Selected Projects and Tasks

NanoCem. Member of the European Network representing DTI.

EUROSEMINAR (2013). Organizer of the 14th Euroseminar on Microscopy of Building Materials, held in Denmark.

W.R Grace, Boston (2001-2002). Assigned as a consultant for 1 year to setup up their laboratory for fluorescent microscopy as well as teaching staff in fluorescent microscopy of concrete.

R.J. Lee Group, Pittsburgh (2004). Assigned as a consultant for 3 months to investigate the general condition of the concrete of the Deutsche Bank Head Quarter, New York City. The building was damaged by the September 11 attack.

R.J. Lee Group, Pittsburgh (2005). Assigned as a consultant for 3 months to investigate the general cause of deterioration of concrete poles positioned along a new railroad track through New England. Ulla was hired as an independent expert working for all parties involved in the twist.

Lafarge USA (1991-1999). Examination of concrete ties using optical polarizing and scanning electron microscopy as part of the Lone Star – Lafarge litigation (one of the largest litigations involving concrete, in the world). Evaluation of concrete with respect to heat cure induced expansion (DEF) and alkali silica reaction.

Lafarge Canada, Montreal (1991-1993). Examination of concrete ties using optical polarizing and scanning electron microscopy as part of the Francon litigation. Evaluation of concrete with respect to a rare type of alkali silica reaction.

Lafarge Canada, Montreal (1993-1999). Examination of concrete foundation using optical polarizing and scanning electron microscopy as part of the Bertrand litigation (the longest lasting litigation involving concrete, in Canada). Evaluation of concrete with respect to freeze/thaw damage, sulphate attack and poor workmanship.

Californian litigations (1995-2000). Examination of concrete foundation from various “urbanizations” in southern California. Evaluation of concrete quality in relation to external sulphate attack.

EU projects. Participated in Brite-Euram Project Task 3, Subtask 3.2 ”Eliminating or Minimizing Alkali Silica Reactivity”, 1993. Participated in the Brite-Euram Project: “Quality Analysis of Polymer Modified Bitumens and Bitumen Products by Image Analysis with Fluorescent Light (MIAF)“.

Awards. Awarded the Wason C. Medal 2002 by ACI “for your co-authored paper ‘Determination of Water-Cement Ratio in Hardened Concrete by Optical Fluorescence Microscopy,’ SP 191-3, which describes and validates a standardized optical fluorescence microscopy technique that can be used to determine the water-cement ratio of hardened concrete to an accuracy of about +/- 0.02


RapidAir 457. Co-inventor of the RapidAir 457 system for determination of the air void parameters of hardened concrete using image analysis. Through the sales of this system (more than 100 systems) 2 days of training have been given by Ulla at the end users laboratory, going through sample preparation, theory and analysis techniques.


V. Marcos-Meson, M. Geiker, G. Fischer, A. Solgaard, U.H. Jakobsen, T. Danner, C. Edvardsen, T.L. Skovhus and A. Michel, in press: Durability of cracked SFRC exposed to wet-dry cycles of chlorides and carbon dioxide – multiscale deterioration phenomena.

H. S. Wong. A. B. Poole. B. Wells. M. Eden. R. Barnes. J. Ferrari. R. Fox. M. H. N. Yio. O. Copuroglu. G. Guðmundsson. R. Hardie. U. H. Jakobsen. K. Makoubi. A. Mitchinson. P. Raybould. J. Strongman. N. R. Buenfeld 2020: Microscopy techniques for determining water–cement (w/c) ratio in hardened concrete: a round-robin assessment. Materials and Structures pp. 53:25

Marcos-Meson, V., Fischer, G., Solgaard, A., Jakobsen, U.H., Edvardsen, C., Skovhus, T.L. and Michel, A. In prep.: Pull-out behaviour of hooked-end fibres in cracked concrete exposed to wet-dry cycles – deterioration phenomena. Construction and Building Materials.

Jakobsen, U.H., Pade, C., Andersen, O.V. in press: Predicting the potential for DEF based on mainly SEM-EDX analysis. NCF

Danner, T, Jakobsen, U.H., Geiker, M.R. 2019: Mineralogical sequences of self-healing products in cracked marine concrete. Minerals, 9, 284.

Revert, A.B., Geiker, M.R., De Weerdt, K., & Jakobsen, U.H. 2017: SEM-EDX analysis of products formed under natural and accelerated carbonation of concrete with CEM I, CEM II/B-M and CEM II/B-V. XXIIIth Symposium on Nordic Concrete Research & Development.

Jakobsen, U.H. 2017: Phase assemblage analysis of concrete submerged in seawater for 5 years. Proceedings of the 16th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Lausanne (in press).

Jakobsen U.H., De Weerdt, K. & Geiger, M.R. 2016: Elemental zonation in marine concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, vol 85, pp. 12-27.

Jakobsen, U.H. & Kaasgaard, M. 2015: New concrete types for aggressive environment; microscopic results from a research project. Proceedings of the 15th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Delft, pp. 363-371.

Jakobsen, U.H. 2013: Microstructural surface deterioration of concrete exposed to seawater; Results after 2 years exposure. Proceedings of the 14th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Helsingør, pp.62-66.

Folli, A., Pochard, I., Nonat, A., Jakobsen, U.H., Shepherd, A.M., & Macphee, D.E. 2010: Engineering Photocatalytic Cements: Understanding TiO2 surface chemistry to control and modulate Photocatalytic performances. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 1-10.

Folli, A., Jakobsen, U.H. Guerrini, G. & Macphee D. E. 2009. Rhodamine B discolouration on TiO2 in the cement environment: a look at fundamental aspects of the self-cleaning effect in concretes. J. Adv. Oxid. Technol. Vol. 12, No. 1, 2009, pp. 126-133.

Jakobsen, U.H., & Jacobsen, T.B. 2009: Biological growth on concrete façade elements: A case story. Proceedings of the 12th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Dortmund.

Eriksen, K., Jakobsen, U.H. & Laugesen, P. 2009: Delayed ettringite formation in concrete expoesed to seawater – microstructure, cracking and expansion testing. Proceedings of the 12th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Dortmund.

Jakobsen, U.H. 2008: 14 year’s experience with Øresund Link concrete. Proceedings of the Nordic Miniseminar, Hirtshals, Denmark, pp. 209-233.
Jakobsen, U.H., Pade, C., Thaulow, N., Brown, D.R., Sahu, S., Magnusson, O., De Buck, S. & De Schutter, G. 2006: Automated Air Void Analysis of Hardened Concrete – a Round Robin study. Cement and Concrete Research 36, 1444-1452.

Jakobsen, U.H. & Brown, D.R. 2006: Reproducibility of w/c ratio determined from fluorescent impregnated thin sections. Cement and Concrete Research 36, 1567-1573

Jakobsen, U.H., Brown, D.R., Comeau, R.J. & Henriksen, J.H.H. 2003: Fluorescent epoxy impregnated thin sections prepared for a round robin test on w/c determination. Proceedings of the 9th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Trondheim.

Pade, C., Jakobsen, U.H., and Elsen, J. 2002: “A New Automatic Image Analysis System for Analyzing the Air Void System in Hardened Concrete”. Proceedings of the 24th ICMA Conference, San Diego, pp. 204-213.

Detwiler, R.J., Powers, L.J., Jakobsen, U.H., Campbell, D.H., Ahmed, W.U., Scrivener, K.L. and Kjellsen, K.O. 2001: A guide to preparation of concrete specimens for examination by optical and electron microscopy. In Concrete International.

Thaulow, N. and Jakobsen, U.H. 2000: Sulphate Attack as Observed by Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Cement and Concrete Technology in the 2000s, Second International Symposium, 6-10 September 2000, Istanbul, Turkey.

Jakobsen, U.H., Laugesen, P. and Thaulow, N. 2000: Determination of water to cement ratio in hardened concrete by optical fluorescence microscopy. ACI Symposium Volume: “Water-Cement ratio and other Durability Parameters: Techniques for determination”. SP 191. Awarded the ACI Wason Medal in 2002.

Jakobsen, U.H. and Thaulow, N. 1999: Combining optical fluorescent microscopy and scanning electron microscopy for the examination of deteriorated concrete. Proceedings of the 7th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Delft, pp. 191-201.

Jakobsen, U.H. 1998: Understanding the features observed in concrete using various fluorescence impregnation techniques. Proceedings of the 20th ICMA Conference on Cement Microscopy, Guadalajara, Mexico, pp. 281-301.

Palbøl, L., Jakobsen, U.H. and Thaulow, N. 1998: Petrographic Examination of Mortar Coatings – 0- to 60- year-old water pressure pipes. Concrete International, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 47-52.

Jakobsen, U.H. and Thaulow, N. 1997: Cause of deterioration of Canadian Concrete Railroad Ties: Geology of Aggregate Source and Concrete Examination. Proc. of 6th Euroseminar of Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, June 25.-27., Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 187-206.

Jakobsen, U.H., Johansen, V. & Thaulow, N. 1997: Optical Microscopy – A Primary Tool in Concrete Examination. Proceedings of the 19th ICMA Conference on Cement Microscopy, Illinois, USA, pp. 275-294.

Thaulow, N. and Jakobsen, U.H. 1997: Deterioration of Concrete Diagnosed by Optical Microscopy. Proc. of 6th Euroseminar of Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, June 25.-27., Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 282-296.

Thaulow, N. and Jakobsen, U.H.: 1997: The Diagnosis of Chemical Deterioration of Concrete by Optical Microscopy. In: Scrivener, Young (eds.), Mechanism of Chemical Degradation of Cement-based Systems, E&FN Spon, pp. 3-13.

Thaulow, N., Jakobsen, U.H. and Johansen, V. 1997: What causes Delayed Ettringite Formation? In: Scrivener, Young (eds.), Mechanism of Chemical Degradation of Cement-based Systems, E&FN Spon, pp. 219-226.

Pade, C., Jakobsen, U.H. and Johansen, V. 1997: Evolution of Expansion, Weight gain, Microstructure and Microchemistry of DEF Affected Mortar”. 13. Internationale Baustofftagung Weimar Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bausil. Tagungsbericht – Band 1 pp. 1-0521.

Thaulow, N., Jakobsen, U.H. & Clark, B. 1996: Composition of Alkali Silica Gel and Ettringite in Concrete Railroad Ties: SEM, EDX and X-ray Diffraction Analyses. Cement & Concrete Research, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 309-318.

Jakobsen, U.H., Johansen, V. & Thaulow, N. 1995: Estimating the Capillary Porosity of Cement Paste by Fluorescence Microscopy and Image Analyses. Mat. Res. Soc. Symposium Proceedings vol. 370, pp. 227-236.

Johansen, V. & Jakobsen, U.H. 1993: An Examination of Clinkers with Light Colored cores. ICMA, Fifteenth International Conference on Cement Microscopy, Dallas, Texas, pp. 127-142.

Johansen, V., Thaulow, N., Jakobsen, U.H. & Palbøl, L. 1993: Heat Cured Induced Expansion. 3rd Beijing International Symposium on Cement and Concrete, China.

Jakobsen, U.H., Thaulow, N. & Johansen, V. 1992: Analyses of Sodium- and Potassium-rich Droplets observed on the Surface of Alkali-silica Reactive Aggregates and on gel in Polished Thin Sections. Cement & Concrete Research, vol. 22, pp. 1148-1160.

Claus Pade, Technical Director

M.Sc., Civil Engineering
Materials Chemistry & Product Optimization


Claus Pade is currently manager of the Danish Technological Institute’s Concrete Center business unit. The Concrete Center is a leading European consulting, testing and R&D provider with substantial experience from major infrastructure projects including Copenhagen Metro Cityringen, Femern Belt Link, Øresund Link, Great Belt Link, Malmø Citytunnel, Eurasia Tunnel and Marmaray Project.

Claus Pade has been involved in major national and international construction project including the Femern belt Fixed Link, the Copenhagen Metro Cityringen and the Eurasia Tunnel in Istanbul.

Claus Pade has participated in several Danish and European R&D projects related to concrete technology. He has been authoring and co-authoring more than 15 peer review articles, and contributed to several popular scientific articles, publications and guidelines.

With a background in chemistry and materials science from the Danish Engineering Academy and University of Illinois Claus Pade has more than 20 years of professional experience with a variety of concrete technology aspects acquiring the following special competences:

  • Concrete for civil engineering structures
  • Concrete and raw materials testing in onsite and in the laboratory including NDT
  • Concrete mix design development
  • Fresh concrete properties including Self-compacting concret
  • Concrete chemistry
  • Concrete durability
Selected Projects and Tasks

Storstrom Bridge Joint Venture (2017-ongoing). Responsible for DTI’s assignment regarding assisting the contractor SBJV with quality assurance matters including concrete and concrete materials testing, interpretation of specifications, planning and reporting of pretesting and full scale trial castings, curing technology documentation, as well as developing concrete mix designs for different exposure classes including two mixtures with shrinkage reduction/compensation.

Copenhagen Metro Team – Cityringen (2010-2017). Responsible for DTI’s assignment regarding assisting the contractor CMT with quality assurance matters including concrete and concrete materials testing, interpretation of specifications, preparation of change request, planning and reporting of pretesting and full scale trial castings, curing technology documentation, as well as developing concrete mix designs for different exposure classes in cooperation with the concrete supplier.

Femern A/S (2009 – 2017). Review of concrete specifications and state-of-the-art report about self-compacting concrete. Responsible for the design and production of concrete members at the DTI laboratory concrete plant facilities for Femern A/S’s marine exposure site at Rødbyhavn. Fifteen different mix design, representing a variety of binder system potentially suitable for marine structures, were developed and documented. Responsible for the execution of a test program at the DTI concrete laboratory designed to provide information on mechanical properties of reinforced concrete needed for German project approval. The task include sourcing of raw materials, production and test of fresh concrete, casting of the large test specimens, and development of experimental test setup and testing of the concrete specimens.

European Spallation Source (Sweden) (2014-2017). Developing and documenting mix design of special neutron absorbing concrete for main bunker. Assisting with the preparing the concrete specification for the Test Stand 2 bunker tender for special high-density concrete elements.
DONG ENERGY A/S (2015-2019). Documentation of fly ash from biomass “co-combustion” for concrete production. Development and execution of test program for documenting fresh and hardened concrete properties of fly ash concrete for different exposure classes. Subsequent evaluation and reporting of test results.

YMSK Joint Venture (Turkey) (2015-2016). Responsible for DTI’s assignment to perform QA on the segmental lining of the Eurasia Tunnel in Istanbul involving inspection of the tunnel lining, characterization and classification of defects, proposal for repair methods and final verification of the tunnel lining.

Dankalk A/S and Faxe Kalk A/S (2014-2016). Documentation of limestone powder for use in production of concrete for Danish exposure class “moderate” based on the EN 206 concept of equivalent combinations. Development and execution of test program for documenting fresh and hardened concrete properties of fly ash concrete for different exposure classes. Subsequent evaluation and reporting of test results, and proposal for incorporation into EN 206 DK NAD.

Niras A/S (2015). Evaluation of the potential for Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF) occuring in the capping beams of a large marine structure in Africa including expansion testing of drilled cores and examination in the optical and scanning electron microscope.
Conelto A/S (2012-2015). Developing and documenting high strength steel fiber reinforced SCC concrete mix design for large windmill towers including documentation of mechanical properties such as compressive and tensile strength, E-modulus, autogeneous shrinkage and creep.
AFATEK A/S (2009-2013). Responsible for the experimental planning and analysis of test results in connection with the characterization of the chemical and physical properties of municipal waste incinerator ash from several incineration plants in Denmark and the corresponding potential use of the ash for the production of concrete.

Danish Road Directorate (2010). Responsible for the development of a high fly content “green” self-compacting concrete for the extension of the “Green” demonstration bridge, including implementation of the mix design at the concrete plant and testing of conformity of flow properties at the construction site.

Emineral A/S (2004-2010). Documentation of fly ash including co-combustion ash for concrete production. Development of test program for documenting fresh and hardened concrete properties of fly ash concrete for different exposure classes. Subsequent evaluation and reporting of test results.
EU Horizon 2020 – ECO-Binder (2014-2018). Part of the DTI team responsible for developing and documenting the fresh and hardened mechanical properties of C32/40 concrete mix designs using three different BYF-cements. Also, part of the DTI team responsible for characterizing the microstructure of the BYF-cement concretes using various microscopy techniques.

Danish Environmental Agency (2016-2018). Steering committee member for the MUDP project “Development of resistant concrete pipe for aggressive exposures II”, where the technology developed in project “I” is being documented through five full8scale pipe lines located in different parts of Denmark.

Danish Innovation Fund – Green Concrete II Consortium (2014-2018). Assisting with the development the experimental planning and the analysis of test results leading to selection of binder systems for the demonstration activities including three highway bridges and two exposure sites.

Danish Environmental Agency (2013-2015). Project manager for the MUDP project “Development of resistant concrete pipe for aggressive exposures”, in particular targeting the increasing challenge from sulfuric acid attack in sewers. New concrete mix designs were developed and documented.

Danish Innovation Fund, Eurostars RD-projects (2012-2015). Responsible for preparing proposals for the recent projects “GaiaBoard” (alkali-activated binder systems used for building boards) and “Conspacers” (development of a superior concrete reinforcement spacer).

Danish Innovation Fund, SCC Consortium (2004-2007). Project management of the work package titled “The future concrete plant” and lead role in several other tasks. Co-authoring “Guideline for mix design of SCC” and “Guideline for execution of SCC”. Development of concrete mix design and testing of conformity of flow properties at construction site for the demonstration bridge provided.


RapidAir 457. Co-inventor of the RapidAir 457 system for determination of the air void parameters of hardened concrete using video image analysis.

4C-Rheometer. Co-inventor of the 4C-Rheometer for determination of the flow properties including Bingham rheological parameter of self-compacting concrete.

4C-Packing software for concrete mix design. Responsible for the recent update to version 3.0 of DTI’s 4C-Packing software for development and optimization of concrete mix design.


Marianne Tange Hasholt, Katja Udbye Christensen and Claus Pade, “Frost resistance of concrete with high contents of fly ash – A study on how hollow fly ash particles distort the air void analysis”, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 119, May 2019, Pages 102-112.

Fengming Xi, Steven J. Davis, Philippe Ciais, Douglas Crawford-Brown, Dabo Guan, Claus Pade, Tiemao Shi, Mark Syddall, Jie Lv, Lanzhu Ji, Longfei Bing, Jiaoyue Wang, Wei Wei, Keun-Hyeok Yang, Björn Lagerblad, Isabel Galan, Carmen Andrade, Ying Zhang & Zhu Liu, “Substantial global carbon uptake by cement carbonation”, Nature Geoscience volume 9, pages 880–883 (2016).

Wilson Ricardo Leal da Silva, Oldrich Svec, Lars Nyholm Thrane and Claus Pade, “Effect of fibre orientation on the tensile strength of ultra-high performance steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete”, accepted for publication by AFGC-ACI-fib-RILEM Int. Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete, 2017, 9 pages.

Martin Kaasgaard and Claus Pade, “Properties of concrete with a new type of cement with low carbon footprint”, accepted for publication at Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, 2017, 4 pages.

Wilson Ricardo Leal da Silva, Lars Nyholm Thrane, Thomas Lennart Svensson and Claus Pade, “Performance-based design procedure for the selection of concrete binder systems with low environmental impact”, accepted for publication at Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, 2017, 4 pages.

Martin Kaasgaard, Claus Pade, Ulf Jönsson and Christian Munch-Petersen, “Comparison of Durability Parameters of Self-Compacting Concrete and Conventional Slump Concrete Designed for Marine Environment”, Nordic Concrete Research, no. 50, 2014, pp. 17-20.

Oldrich Svec and Claus Pade, “Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete as a Waterproofing Solution for Concrete Bridge Deck Renovations”, Nordic Concrete Research, no. 50, 2014, pp.273-276.

Lise Juel-Hansen, Martin Kaasgaard, Jack Anderson and Claus Pade, “Development of Resistant Concrete Pipes to be Exposed in Aggressive Environments”, Nordic Concrete Research, no. 50, 2014, pp. 495-498.

Lars Nyholm Thrane, Filip Kolarik, Claus Pade, Thomas Pilegaard Madsen, Borek Patzak, “Assessment of the V-funnel Test as a Tool to Measure Plastic Viscosity”, Proceedings of The Fifth North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-SCC Consolidating Concrete, Chicago, 2013.

Martin Kaasgaard, Claus Pade, “Influence of curing temperature and maturity on chloride permeability of concrete containing fly ash or slag”, Nordic Concrete Research, no. 48, 2013.

Martin Kaasgaard, Claus Pade, Ulf Jönsson and Christian Munch-Petersen, “Comparison of durability parameters of self-compacting concrete and conventional slump concrete designed for marine environment”, Nordic Concrete Research, no. 47, 2013

Andrea Folli, Claus Pade, Tommy Bæk Hansen, Tiziana De Marco and Donald E. Macphee, “TiO2 photocatalysis in cementitious systems: Insights into self-cleaning and depollution chemistry”, Cement and Concrete Research, 42(3), 2012, pp. 539-548.

Lars N. Thrane, Jørgen Schou, Thomas Juul Andersen and Claus Pade, “Flow Properties of SCC for the Casting of Complex Shaped Pavilion”, Nordic Concrete Research, no. 43, 2011, pp. 91-94.

Marianne Tange Hasholt and Claus Pade, “Concrete with superabsorbent polymers (SAP) – experience from the Fehmarn field exposure station in Rødbyhavn”, Nordic Concrete Research, no. 43, 2011, pp. 343-346.

Johannes Rauf Greisen, Lars Nyholm Thrane, Claus Pade and Christoffer Dupont, “Double curved concrete surfaces with precisely embedded optical fibres displaying live images”, Nordic Concrete Research, no. 43, 2011, pp. 373-376.

Lars N. Thrane, Claus Pade, Claus V. Nielsen, “Determination of rheology of self-consolidating concrete using the 4C-RHEOMETER and how to make use of the results”, Journal of ASTM International, No 7 (1), 2010, 10p.

L. N. Thrane, C. Pade, C. Idzerda, M. Kaasgaard, ”Effect of Rheology of SCC on Bond Strength of ribbed Reinforcement Bars”, Proceedings SCC 2010, 6th International Rilem Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Montreal, 2010.

L. N. Thrane, C. Pade and M. Kaasgaard, “Use of stabilizer/VMA to adjustment of the flow properties of SCC at the Job Site”, Nordic Concrete Research, no. 40, 2009.
Thrane, L.N., Nielsen, C.V., Pade, C., Glavind, M., and Schou, J., “Successful In-situ casting with SCC – from an economical and rheological point of view” Accepted for Proceedings of SCC 2008: Challenges and Barriers to Application – The Third North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, Chicago, ACBM.

Pade, C., and Chatterji, S., “Aspects of Particle-Dispersant Interaction – Mode of Attachment of Dispersants to Particles” The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 2008, 2, pp. 46-52.

Pade, C., and Nyegaard, P., “The use of fly ash from co-combustion in the production of concrete” Accepted for Proceedings – XX Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Bålsta, Sweden, 2008.

Thrane, L.N., Pade, C., Clari, I.G., Dalgaard, A., “Influence of “Time in Cone before Testing” on the Flow properties of SCC Measured by the Slump Flow Test” Accepted for Proceedings – XX Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Bålsta, Sweden, 2008.

Nyegaard, P., and Pade, C., “The use of Sludge Incinerator Ash in the production of concrete” Accepted for Proceedings – XX Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Bålsta, Sweden, 2008.

Thrane, L.N., Pade, C., Svensson, T.,“Estimation of Bingham Rheological Parameters from Slump Flow Measurements”, Accepted for publication in Proceedings – 5th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Ghent, Belgium, 2007, pp. 353-358

Pade, C., Guimaraes, M., “The CO2 uptake of concrete in a 100 year perspective”, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 37, Iss. 9, September 2007, Pages 1348-1356.

Jakobsen, U.H., Pade, C., Thaulow, N., Brown, D., Sahu, S., Magnusson, O., De Buck, S., De Schutter, G. “Automated Air Void Analysis of Hardened Concrete – a Round Robin Study”, Cement and Concrete Research, 36, 2006, pp. 1444-1452

Thrane, L. N., Szabo, P., Geiker, M., Stang, H., Pade, C., ‘Simulation and Verification of Flow in Test Methods’, Proc. of the 2nd North American Conf. on the Design and Use of SCC and the 4th Int. RILEM Symp. on SCC, 551-556 (1), 2005, Chicago, USA.

Jakobsen, U.H., Pade, C., Thaulow, N., Brown, D., Sahu, S., Magnusson, O., De Buck, S., De Schutter, G., “Automated Air Void Analysis of Hardened Concrete – a Round Robin Study”, Proceedings – 10th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, ed. Hughes, J.J. et al., University of Paisley, Scotland, 2005, pp. 51-52

Thrane, L.N., Pade, C., “Determination of Bingham rheological parameters of SCC using online video image analysis of automatic slump flow testing” Proceedings – XIX Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Sandefjord, Norway, 2005.

Thrane, L.N., Hasholt, M.T., Pade, C., “Predicting the Yield Stress of SCC Using Material Modelling”, Proceedings – XIX Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Sandefjord, Norway, 2005.

Hasholt, M.T., Pade, C., Winnefeld, F., “A Conceptual and Mathematical Model. For the Flowability of SCC”, Proceedings – 4th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Chicago, USA, 2005.

Pade, C., Jakobsen, U.H., Elsen, J., ” A New Automatic Analysis System for Analyzing the Air Void System in Hardened Concrete”, Proceedings of the International Cement Microscopy Association, ed. Jany, L, and Nisperos, A., San Diego, 2002, pp. 204-213.

Pade, C., Struble, L., “Kinetics and Microstructural Changes Associated with Mortar Bar Expansion”Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, June 2000.
Struble, L., Pade, C., “Proposed New Test Procedure for Measuring Alkali-Silica Expansion Produced by Hydraulic Cement”. Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, June 2000.

Pade, C., Jakobsen, U.H. and Johansen, V., “Evolution of Expansion, Weight gain, Microstructure and Microchemistry of DEF Affected Mortar”. 13. Internationale Baustofftagug Weimar Bundesrepublik Deutschland. IBausil. Tagungsbericht – Band 1 pg. 1-0521, 1997.

Pade, C., “Alkali Silica Reactivity of Portland Cement”, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 1997.

Goltermann, P., Pade, C. and Thaulow, N., “High Performance Concrete. Rheology: From the Lab to the Site”, Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting, Espoo, Finland, 1996.

Goltermann, P., Pade, C. and Thaulow, N., “Workability. Rheological Characteristics of Concrete, Mortar and Cementpaste. High Performance Concrete for Exposed Structures”, (in Danish), HUA-2, Danish Concrete Institute, Denmark, March 1995.

Pade, C., “Kompatibilitet imellem superplastificerende og luftindblandende tilsætningsstoffer i beton”, (in Danish), B.Sc. Thesis, The Engineering Academy of Denmark, Department of Chemistry, 1991.

Client Testimonials

“It is a pleasure to recommend you to make use of Concrete Experts International’s
services. Their knowledge and experience is outstanding regarding new technology
developments with cement and concrete and related materials as well as for expert
investigations of the durability and deterioration of field concrete. The special, combined scientific-engineering experience makes the company a welcomed, consulting newcomer.”

Gunnar M. Idorn, Civil Engineer, D.Sc

“…On my behalf, as well as on behalf of my client, I want to thank all of you for the tremendous effort which you put forth in the case. You all did an excellent job. The work you did in a limited time period was first rate. I was particularly impressed with the high quality reports which you prepared.”


“…Thanks for all your help in the case. Your experience, research and testimony were
very important and critical to the successful outcome. These cases are always complex, but by having the right experts, we greatly improved our defense.”


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Concrete Experts International ApS

Gøngehusvej 242
DK-2950 Vedbæk

+45 2835 0660

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